Education management systems for students

Create classrooms and teach students remotely with Aurages' classroom system The classroom system consists of a blackboard with all the tools for the professor to help him deliver the lecture and communicate with students, and the system also consists of separate rooms to isolate students In rooms, upload files (Word, Power Point, Excel...) and watch videos from websites...

The blackboard

The board consists of all the tools for the professor to manage the lecture or the lesson as if it were on the ground and contains:

pen tool.

Lines, squares, and 2D and 3D shapes.

Different shapes of the board according to the need of the lecture (white, striped, grid, millimeter).

Calculator and math equation writer.

Built-in scientific search engine.

Other characteristics

Separate the students into groups.

Ability to upload files (Word, Power Point, Excel...)

Conversations with students via chat, video and audio.

Conducting quick exams or opinion polls (Quiz, Pull)

Full powers to master all operations.

Allow students to participate by pressing the (request to participate) button.